
Adaptogenic Mushrooms

First coined in the 1940s, the term “adaptogen” refers to natural or synthetic compounds that help the body adapt to various stressors—chemical, biological, or physical. Adaptogens support the body’s balance, helping to prevent illness and maintain overall health. Research suggests that adaptogens can activate the immune system, reduce inflammation, detoxify and repair cells, and offer antiviral benefits, contributing to a better quality of life.

Functional Mushrooms blends and wellness bundles

There are many ways to start your wellness journey with functional or medicinal mushrooms. The wide range of varieties may seem a little overwhelming at first, but to simplify the same, we have created Wellness bundles and speciality blends to help Canadians focus on specific health and wellness goals.

Healing with Functional Mushrooms

Even before mainstream media started talking about them, functional mushrooms have been popular in the wellness world for their health benefits, including boosting immunity, vitality, brain health, and overall well-being. For centuries, they have been celebrated for their ability to promote immunity, strengthen bones, improve mood, aid digestion, and enhance skin health. Functional mushrooms are easy to include in daily routines and can be added to smoothies, and parfaits, sprinkled over food or taken as tinctures, making them a simple way to support a healthier lifestyle.

Understanding Extraction Ratios 

In the world of medicinal mushroom or functional mushroom-based supplements, you must have come across references such as 4:1, 8:1 or even 12:1 products. This generally refers to the extraction ratios offered by the supplement company. You do not have to be an expert to understand what it means as we have put together a brief article for you to understand extraction rations and what it means for you. 

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