
Are your health supplements working for you?

As you grow older, your body needs essential nutrients to sustain and manage its day-to-day functions. Adequate nutrition is critical to determine whether your body will age gracefully or struggle and collapse. Your body requires essential vitamins, minerals, proteins, and carbohydrates to develop fully and function correctly. Additionally, it is crucial that all internal body systems perform their duties properly to transfer essential nutrients to different parts of your body.

Thanks to the progress of humanity and medicine, we can now identify what our body lacks and fill those gaps with the help of medicine and food supplements, depending on the severity and complexity of the issue. In today’s modern world, food supplements have become a part of our daily lives, and the regular use of health supplements is growing across all age groups. While there has been much discussion about the benefits of health supplements, it can be challenging to determine whether they are working effectively and providing the desired results for your body. In this article, we will explore some ways to identify whether the health supplements you are taking are working for your overall health and wellness.

  • Take tests – get a normal check-up done and understand the deficiencies in your blood work, saliva and urine testing. This can first help you understand the body’s immediate requirements and suggest a diagnosis. Regular tests every few months help you understand what’s going on inside your body and help you understand if the health supplements are able to cover up for the deficiencies.
  • Document your experience – List the general issues you face in your daily routine like irregular bowel movements, breathlessness, lethargy, anxiety etc and note the changes after incorporating health supplements into your diet. The most important thing here is to be patient with the desired results. It could easily take 6-12 weeks for a body to show signs of improvement depending on the body type and age.
  • Take a look in the mirror regularly – A body deficient in essential vitamins and minerals shows signs such as bad or broken skin, brittle hair, weak nails etc. When a health supplement starts working for your body, it will slowly start improving how you look.
  • Check bowel movements – If you have a poor gut and an irritable bowel, taking the right supplements will eventually help you get proper and regular bowel movements. The success of health supplements will regularize your bowel movements and bring in a sense of relief.
  • Lookout for improved cognition – The success of health supplements can also be identified by enhancing your cognitive abilities. A healthy body supports a healthy mind and vice versa. Once the health supplements start positively affecting your body, you can expect to have a clear thought process with better decision-making abilities.
  • Less anxiety – A drop in the feeling of anxiety is a good parameter to measure the effectiveness of your anxiety. A functional health supplement will relieve the patient of anxious thoughts and help him/ her get through the day much more easily.
  • Better energy and endurance – The right supplements can help you move on from lethargy to energy. The upward shift in energy is a clear indication of health supplements working right for you.

Before incorporating health supplements into your diet, it is essential to consult your doctor to better understand the severity of your medical conditions and determine if your preferred supplements would be helpful for your body type and deficiencies. While many health supplements may not cause any immediate or life-threatening side effects, it is crucial to be cautious throughout the process and monitor any changes in your body. It is beneficial to consider natural and organic health supplements free from any preservatives and steroids. At Organic Mushrooms, our health supplements are made from naturally grown mushrooms and are 100% organic, non-GMO, gluten-free and free from any fillers. Our supplements are made in British Columbia, Canada using patented double and triple extraction methods ensuring quality and authenticity.

Can mushroom supplements help you get fit?

Have you been taking your fitness seriously? A key indicator of poor fitness is experiencing shortness of breath and fatigue from moderate activities like climbing a flight of stairs or a short jog. These symptoms, along with a general feeling of lethargy, suggest the need for improved fitness. Fitness can be assessed through various parameters such as muscular strength, flexibility, body composition, and cardiovascular health. While genetics play a pivotal role in determining one’s natural fitness level, influencing factors like body size and type, fitness is also significantly influenced by lifestyle choices, dietary habits, existing health conditions, and age.

For athletes and those in strength training, nutrition is of key importance as it helps them build mass and strength and maintain it over a period of time. For a regular person to build muscles, it requires regular exercise and a balanced diet that includes the right amount of protein, carbs, vitamins and minerals. Different kinds of fitness supplements offer you the right amount of protein to build muscle and cut down on body fat. However, it is critical to look at the overall development of the body to achieve holistic fitness. Diet plays an important role in shaping the energy levels and fitness profile of professional athletes.  For centuries we have heard stories about Greek Olympians and Roman gladiators consuming super foods to improve their performance in the arenas. Some of the superfoods involved in their diets were functional mushrooms.

Over the years, there has been a renewed focus on extracting the goodness of functional mushrooms and incorporating the same into the diet as food supplements. Functional mushrooms have adaptogens that can help your body adapt to stress, anxiety, fatigue and facilitate overall well-being. Functional mushrooms offer a rich source of antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting qualities.

Regular exercise followed by a balanced diet backed with essential nutrition and adaptogens is the right way to look at embracing overall fitness. Functional mushrooms such as Cordyceps offer a wide range of potential health benefits. They are a great source of protein, Vitamins B and K and a range of essential minerals required in the overall development and maintenance of a healthy body. Rich in polysaccharides, Cordyceps enhance immunity and offer antioxidants with age-defying properties. There are other benefits such as anti-fatigue properties, improved cellular energy, better performance and a quicker recovery time.

Often called the “Energy Mushroom”, Cordyceps (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) are a powerful, medicinal mushroom that has been used in Chinese and Tibetan medicine for a long time. This rare combination of caterpillar and fungus has been shown to have numerous beneficial effects on the human body. Studies suggest that different strains of Cordyceps, or some components inside this mushroom, may help boost the immune system, have anti-tumour effects, increase energy levels, and have anti-metastatic and antioxidant properties, as well as anti-inflammatory effects. In general, Cordyceps mushrooms have been verified to be the host to a multitude of benefits:

  • Improved energy and exercise performance
  • Healthy inflammation response
  • Testosterone level support
  • Blood sugar balance
  • Heart health maintenance
  • Mood support
  • Kidney function support

Can mushroom supplements help you get fit? At Organic Mushrooms, we acknowledge the use of functional mushrooms as both food and medicine for centuries and we have custom-made a special health supplements package to help you get fit while you enhance your mind and body. Organic Mushrooms health supplements are 100% organic, non-GMO and gluten-free and are produced in Canada from start to finish ensuring quality and authenticity. Place your order for your required dose of health supplements to get fit and active while you enhance your mind and body.

Do mushrooms help in getting better skin?

Your skin is critical to not only how you appear but also to your health as it acts as a barrier between your body and invasions from bad bacteria, viruses and other harmful environmental hazards. It plays an important role in regulating your body fluids and temperature. Your complexion and skin are the first things to get noticed even before your fabulous personality gets a chance. Taking care of your skin is as important as there are several factors leading to unhealthy skin such as your genes, bad diet, dehydration, harmful radiation from the sun, unhealthy lifestyle that includes excessive smoking and alcohol. Environmental factors have a significant impact on the health of our skin too. External factors such as exposure to harsh weather conditions, air pollution and harmful UV rays can lead to various skin problems.

An improper diet devoid of all important nutrients is a leading cause of unhealthy skin. The lack of essential nutrition from a daily diet eventually takes a noticeable toll on a person’s skin. Apart from a regular diet, the body needs essential vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and for all systems to work properly. The incredible benefits of medicinal mushrooms have proven to be immensely helpful to the human body for centuries. Unlike the western world, where we treat each body part separately with diagnosis and specific treatments, oriental practices have always looked at overall health and wellness and the linkage between all body parts. There are now studies that reveal the multitude of benefits of medicinal mushrooms as they strengthen your immunity, heart health and cognitive abilities while lowering inflammation and boosting multiple systems within the body.

Mushrooms are adaptogens that help our bodies adapt to stress and they contain antioxidants and bioactive compounds that offer multiple benefits eventually providing proper nutrition to the skin cells. Extracts from medicinal mushrooms are highly beneficial as they are rich in antioxidants and bioactive components offering multiple benefits to the human body and skin. They can help protect the skin against harmful environmental factors and hyperpigmentation caused by the sun. The polysaccharides, particularly Beta-glucans have a positive effect on the skin by enhancing antioxidant enzyme activities and increasing collagen levels.

Some lifestyle changes can help you achieve clearer and glowing skin by treating your skin right from the outside as well as through a proper diet that helps your body achieve the proper nutrition. Regular use of medicinal mushroom extracts as a part of your diet regime can help improve and maintain the overall health and appearance of your skin. At Organic Mushrooms, we have brought together the goodness of medicinal mushrooms which have been known to help achieve better glowing skin for centuries in traditional practices and medicines, all available in our Skin Care Wellness Bundle. The combination of revered Chaga, Cordyceps and Shiitake mushrooms can help your body fix internal issues and reflect radiant glowing skin on the outside. Chaga Mushrooms can help restore and regenerate skin cells. Chaga can stimulate collagen production to hydrate and refresh all types of skin. With its rich antioxidants, Chaga Mushrooms can help support the body in repairing the damaged cells caused by ageing and damage from the sun. Cordyceps possess antioxidants that help in protecting skin from damage. By enhancing healthy circulation and cardiovascular health, Cordyceps can help protect skin against ageing and inflammation. Shiitake mushrooms carry a potent antioxidant, L-ergothioneine that helps prevent skin damage, skin ageing and skin cell breakdown. Reishi mushroom on the other hand has anti-ageing properties too, as it has been a part of oriental medicine for centuries and was consumed by monks as a special tea.

Organic Mushrooms health supplements are 100% organic, non-GMO and gluten-free and are produced in Canada from start to finish ensuring quality and authenticity. Place your order for your required dose of health supplements to improve your skin while you enhance your mind and body.

Mushrooms for preventive healthcare

Modern science has advanced our ability to detect cancer, yet we still face a scarcity of anti-cancer drugs that are both successful and free of side effects. Treatments for cancer at various stages differ in medication intensity, complexity, and the possible need for surgery to excise tumors. There’s a critical need for therapeutic approaches that are effective and less toxic, particularly for cancer prevention and treatment. Proponents of preventive healthcare should adopt practices that mitigate the emergence of initial cancerous cells.

Functional mushrooms are known for their immunomodulatory, anticancer, and anti-inflammatory properties, offering benefits such as immune system enhancement and protection against serious diseases. A compromised immune system increases susceptibility to illnesses, including a higher risk of cancer due to lack of resistance to cellular mutations. Certain medicinal mushrooms have been acknowledged for their anti-cancer properties and bioactive compounds, showing promise in cancer prevention and management. Ongoing clinical trials are evaluating functional mushrooms for their extensive benefits, including their potential to manage side effects during cancer treatments and to inhibit cancer cell proliferation.

Long utilized in Eastern medicine, certain mushrooms are recognized by scientists for their rich bioactive compounds with significant biological effects, such as bolstering immunity, reducing inflammation, and combating cancer. Although research is still emerging, some medicinal mushrooms have been identified as excellent sources of nutraceuticals, antioxidants, and prebiotics, and are being considered as next-generation biotherapeutics. In China and Japan, medicinal mushrooms have been prescribed for lung diseases and cancers for decades, and Western medicine is increasingly acknowledging their potential in health supplements and drugs for tumor prevention and cancer treatment, aiming for efficacy without adverse effects.

Medicinal mushrooms can complement conventional cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation by reducing side effects such as nausea, bone marrow suppression, anemia, and immune depletion. Compounds found in varieties like Cordyceps, Reishi, and Turkey Tail exhibit anti-tumor activity. These include polysaccharides, proteins, fats, ash, glycosides, alkaloids, and organic acids that impede and prevent cancerous growth. Key anti-cancer agents in mushrooms include lentinan, krestin, hispolon, and others, with polysaccharides, especially Beta-glucan, showing potent anti-tumor and immunomodulatory effects. Studies suggest that anti-tumor polysaccharides work by inhibiting cell growth, preventing new blood vessel formation, and inducing apoptosis in tumors.

At Organic Mushrooms, we harness the natural efficacy of functional mushrooms, offering a tailored supplement blend enriched with mushrooms renowned for their anti-cancer attributes. Cordyceps, for instance, is reputed for its ability to combat cancer cells and reduce tumors, while Turkey Tail is recognized for its anti-tumor effects. Reishi has a storied history in Eastern medicine for its role in decelerating cancer progression. We recommend incorporating two to three grams of mushroom extracts into your daily diet to bolster mental and physical health, enhance immunity, manage inflammation, and fortify the body against grave illnesses.

Are mushrooms good for Heart health?

The mighty heart is but a fist-sized pump that moves blood throughout your body. Made of multiple layers of tissues, the heart is the centre of the blood circulation in your body pushing blood rich with oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body through arteries, capillaries and then veins. The heart is fundamental to sustaining life and promoting health as a strong body can only belong to a strong heart.

According to World Heart Federation (WHF), there has been a 60% increase in deaths due to cardiovascular diseases globally in the past 30 years; moving up from 12.1 million in 1990 to 20.5 million in 2021. More than four out of five cardiovascular deaths are due to heart attacks and strokes and one-third of these deaths occur prematurely in people under 70 years of age. Modern lifestyles with several behavioral risk factors such as unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, smoking and excessive intake of alcohol have caused heart diseases and strokes. It starts with showing effects in individuals such as raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, raised blood lipids and being overweight and obese. In Canada, heart disease is the second leading cause of death.

A weak heart shows several symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, faintness, loss of appetite, irregular need to urinate at night, shortness of breath, swollen liver or abdomen, swollen feet and ankles among others. An unhealthy heart can be identified by an irregular pulse or a sensation of feeling the heartbeat. It will take an entire change in lifestyle to be able to improve heart health and diet and physical activity play an important role in the recovery of heart health. Studies have revealed that some medicinal mushrooms can help in lowering bad cholesterol, regulating blood pressure and improving the overall health of the heart.

At Organic Mushrooms, we have combined the goodness of medicinal mushrooms such as Shiitake, Reishi and Cordyceps to help improve your heart health. Shiitake mushrooms contain eritadenine, a compound known to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and maintain healthy circulation. Often regarded as the “Heart Mushroom”, Shiitake mushrooms are not only delicious but also rich in nutrients like beta-glucans that can help lower cholesterol levels. They support heart health by promoting balanced blood lipid profiles and reducing the risk of plaque buildup in arteries. Reishi Mushrooms on the other hand are rich in beta-glucans and triterpenoids, which can lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels, reducing your diabetes and heart disease risk. Known as the “Longevity Mushroom”, reishi is celebrated for its adaptogenic properties, helping to reduce stress and inflammation. It supports heart health by regulating blood pressure and promoting overall cardiovascular wellness. Cordyceps mushrooms can further help in reducing any inflammations and promote a healthy blood flow of the heart and brain. These mushrooms offer a rich source of nutrients and bioactive compounds which regulate blood circulation and improve heart health. Cordyceps are a powerhouse of energy and endurance and are a favourite among athletes and those looking to optimize their cardiovascular fitness.

After carefully considering the benefits of these mushroom types, we have custom-made a special Heart Health Wellness Bundle to help improve heart health. The benefits of mushrooms such as Shiitake, Cordyceps and Reishi can help supplement your heart health and help enhance your physical and mental health and wellness.

Organic Mushrooms’ health supplements offer the goodness of mushrooms grown naturally in the form of tinctures, extract powder, capsules and gummies. It is recommended to consume two to three grams of mushroom extracts per day as a part of the daily diet to improve your heart health and enhance your mind and body.

The origin of all life forms – Fungi

Long before human life existed on this planet, fungi thrived as the sole ancestral group of microorganisms. It later split into plants and animals, of which we have evolved as human beings. As the first form of complex life on this planet, fungi mined rocks for minerals slowly converting them into soil. It has changed our planet over the last few million years creating the modern world.

For millions of years, fungi have built on the experience of doing one thing they know best, fighting their way to survive and supporting life as we know it. Fungi is nature’s best survivor which has existed out of nothing, being the most resourceful and successful life form ever known to mankind.

Civilizations before us have realized the potential and used fungi in various forms. There are pieces of evidence of functional fungi/mushrooms being considered spiritual by our forefathers thousands of years ago. In the early gatherings of humans, there have been revelations about bread and fermented drinks made with fungi. The same is expected to have been used to treat and drink the water contaminated with harmful bacteria, making it safe to drink and eventually saving generations from perishing. So far, modern science has identified some of the medicinal properties of fungi/ mushrooms that help enhance your immune system and support the fight against diseases such as cancer and various other issues such as inflammation, indigestion, improper sleep and so on. Medicinal fungi or mushrooms are known to be antiviral and antibacterial. What is now called medicinal mushrooms can be generally defined as fungi that can be used for fighting and healing from multiple diseases or supporting the body’s need for essential nutrition as health supplements.

In recent history, we have seen multiple references to such fungi being used as a part of medicine, especially in parts of Asia. Countries like Japan and China have approved the use of medicinal mushrooms as an addition to standard cancer treatments. There are references to some medicinal mushrooms as the elixir of immortality. Revered mushrooms such as Lions Mane have been known to boost cognitive properties. Monks used to consume tea with Reishi mushroom extracts for its potent anti-ageing properties. For long mushrooms such as Reishi and others have been considered a sign of luck, healing and wellness in Chinese culture.

Scientists estimate that there are over five million species of fungi on this planet, yet only one percent of that has been discovered so far. Almost a hundred years ago, Alexander Fleming discovered the properties of a fungus called Penicillium – which was used to create the drug penicillin. That led to a dawn of antibiotics which has saved millions of lives from epidemics across the world. Scientists believe that we haven’t even scratched the surface when it comes to the vast benefits of this natural medicine used over centuries, which we casually call fungi or refer to as functional or medicinal mushrooms.

Use Organic Mushrooms Products to harness the ancient power hidden inside

Head over to the Organic Mushrooms shop and browse our organic mushroom collection to harness the ancient power and integrate these amazing superfoods into your life.

Can mushrooms help with digestion?

Your gut is the source of energy for your body. Whatever food you consume is broken down into nutrients and released throughout the body to support its functions. Consider your gut as the second brain, only that gut provides the energy to the body so that your brain can function properly. If your gut is unhealthy, it leads to not only physical but also mental imbalances in your body. An unhealthy gut could lead to low immunity, thyroid, arthritis, digestive issues, poor skin and hair, sleep issues, fatigue, weight issues and much more. It could also lead to mood disorders such as depression or anxiety. Unhealthy lifestyle choices including lack of a balanced diet, lack of pre-biotics, smoking, alcohol, medication side effects, low physical activity, irregular sleep, stress etc. are some of the causes leading to poor gut health.

Your digestive system consists of the gastrointestinal tract or the GI tract which pushes the food through and breaks the same into essential nutrients and energy critical for the body to function. The good bacteria in the gut, also known as the gut microbiome, help in the digestion process. The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in your overall health by breaking down food into energy and strengthening your immunity and other aspects of your health. It is the imbalance of the healthy and unhealthy microbes in the GI that causes physical and mental health issues.

The good part is gut health can be improved by making some lifestyle changes. Some of the ways to improve overall gut health include limiting your alcohol consumption and smoking, eating fibre-rich balanced diets, regular exercise, proper stress management etc. You should consult your doctor on what works best for you as per your routine and body type. A lot of people suffering from poor gut health have added a probiotic supplement into their routine. At Organic Mushrooms, we believe in the power of functional mushrooms that possess adaptogenic and medical healing properties especially when it comes to gut health and the supply of good bacteria. For centuries naturally grown mushrooms have been a part of the diet and oriental medicine and have shown great results consistently. Scientists are working towards breaking down the different types of mushrooms and identifying their numerous benefits for the human body.

Natural mushrooms are adaptogens that offer hi-profile carbohydrates and fibre acting as prebiotics to stimulate the growth of the gut microbiome. Researchers believe that these adaptogens increase the body’s resistance to physical, biological, and chemical stress and protect against stress-related damage. A combination of four mushroom types has been known to positively impact and improve gut health including Reishi, Turkey Tail, Chaga and Lion’s Mane. Reishi mushroom offers a calming effect as it alleviates digestive troubles linked to excess stress and stomach acid secretion. Another medicinal mushroom Turkey Tail contains prebiotics which may help support the digestive process. Chaga mushroom on the other hand is packed with antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Chaga also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body while helping boost the immune system and improve overall digestive health. Lion’s Mane mushroom is rich in dietary fibres, as it aids in digestion and promotes the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

Organic Mushrooms has a custom-made 100% organic, non-GMO and gluten-free health supplements package to help you strengthen your gut. The benefits of medicinal and adaptogenic mushrooms such as Reishi, Turkey tail, Chaga and Lions Mane help supplement your gut’s overall health by fighting the bad bacteria and improving the growth of healthy bacteria. Organic Mushrooms’ health supplement package offers the goodness of mushrooms grown naturally in the form of tinctures, extract powder, capsules and gummies. It is recommended to consume two to three grams of mushroom extracts per day as a part of the daily diet to enhance your mind and body. There are multiple ways to mix up and select between the various forms of supplements such as extract powder that can be mixed in smoothies or sprinkled over your food, tinctures that could be added to your favourite beverages to avoid the alcohol-like taste or convenient capsules and delicious gummies that could be consumed on the go.

Can mushrooms help with weight loss?

Only if losing weight was that easy. There are multiple issues with the body that become the reasons to put on weight such as genetics and hormonal imbalance, stress and depression, bipolar disorders, underactive thyroid, diabetes etc. A sedentary lifestyle with no activity just adds to the issue of weight gain. It could also be a result of side effects of medication and steroids. Addiction to smoking and alcohol sometimes leads to the person adding extra weight. Weight gain is usually but not always a result of eating more calories than the body can burn through activity. As a person ages, the calorie requirement of the body changes, and if the diet does not keep up with the body requirements, it generally leads to the issue of weight disorders.

A general recommendation for people not suffering from diseases is to change their lifestyle habits, follow a balanced diet and increase physical activities to enhance the metabolism and burn the calories acquired through food intake. Replacing junk food with healthy and natural food options is the most common trick in the health and wellness guidebook. Increasing fibre, and decreasing carbs and fats while adding protein to your diet is the most common recipe for success in a person’s weight loss journey. But what about the essential nutrition required by the body which is not fulfilled by the diet? This is where the health supplements come in handy to complement the regular diet and offer the missing nutrition with vital vitamins and minerals.

The problem is finding the right nutrition in the times of fast food and quick-serving restaurants. Salads are just boring and fresh juices without preservatives are difficult to find in supermarkets. Several really good health supplements are aimed at actually helping bridge the nutrition gap by offering the required dosage in easy-to-consume ways. At Organic Mushrooms, we believe in the goodness of natural mushrooms. Natural Mushrooms are low in fat and calories with a high fibre content that helps digestion. Health supplements with the goodness extracted from organic mushrooms if one way of solving weight issues. At Organic Mushrooms, we believe in preventive healthcare and the power of medicinal mushrooms. Mushrooms, in general, are full of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibres that can help you stay full for longer. Research has shown that mushrooms can help improve metabolism and digestion while also balancing the body’s immune system. Lion’s Mane mushrooms can help in digestion and aid in weight loss. Cordyceps can help enhance the body’s metabolic function. Reishi can help reduce inflammation and improve gut health. Shiitake has been found helpful in lowering bad cholesterol and maintaining healthy circulation. Chaga can help in improving metabolism and reducing fat stores in the body while Turkey Tail can help in balancing blood sugar and aiding digestion.

At Organic Mushrooms, we have brought together the goodness of these medicinal mushrooms to help you with your weight struggles. The combination of Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Reishi, Shiitake, Turkey tail and Cordyceps in a health supplement package is intended to help you in your weight management journey while enhancing your mind and body. Take a look at our Weight Loss Mushrooms Bundle to support you in your weight loss journey.

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